Happy Halloween 2022

Hey guys!

It’s Halloween weekend! I can’t believe the end of 2022 is finally here. I’m so glad to be over with this year soon.

Just a little update for you all. '

I’m hard at work finishing up Marked Witch. This novel is really kicking my ass. I’ve probably changed the primary plot line about three times, but I promise you, it will be worth it. So far, Thea and her guys are moving along nicely on their new adventure. It’s got a lot more intrigue and suspense than the original one, and I think you’ll enjoy it more.

There’s a lot more smexy times also….

I’ve also outlined and have begun to write another series. This one is Izel’s story from Bewitched Arrows. The best part about this series is they have an established harem, and I get to have all the sex scenes from chapter one. It’s going to be an episodic series, which means there’s a completed ‘mission’ in each book, but an overall arc to the series. This is going to be exciting for a few reasons.

  1. I’ll be inserting characters from all my series into their stories. You’ll get to see Azra, Anima, and Thea. Including some guys in each of the harems and the side characters. If you have a favorite, you want to see written in a story, comment on this post and I’ll see if I can make it happen.

  2. You’ll find all the familiar places, objects, and magic systems in this series, too. We’ll be going back to Faerie and hanging out in New City.

  3. There will be exciting plots with different supernaturals, monsters, and quests. If you remember, Izel worked for the Warriors of the Underworld before the Changer War. I’m going to drag her and the guys back into the world of hunting.

If you’re as excited about this idea as I am, let me know. I’d love to get some thoughts from the readers who love these guys as much as I do.

Stay safe this weekend!

Picture of Henry in his pumpkin sweater because I can’t stand his cuteness. He’s going to be a taco on Monday. If anyone has a picture of their pets in costumes… gimme! I love looking at all the babies.

<3 AC


Marked Witch Teaser


Cover Reveal - Marked Witch